I am so sorry Sarah. I know that is just awful! you will have to come visit when we get settled and you are ready! I haven't ever been to Busch Gardens so maybe we could meet up with you over there sometime too!
He will be home again before you know it! Now you have a little joy to take care of and keep your mind occupied while he is away. Trust me, I know how hard it is, Army deployments are 12 months and the last one my hubby did was 15 months, and it was torture...but it actually went faster than I had expected. You just have to stay BUSY BUSY BUSY:) Call or text me anytime you need to talk!
I love you Sarah and it will go quick! And besides you'll becoming home for a month and that will make the time go quicker! Love you a million times over and I'm blessed that your my big sister!
Hang in there! I know it is tough. When my DH was deployed, I did something special at each month mark (to reward myself for being a good egg the past month). It might be dinner with my girlfriends or a new pair of shoes...
I am an stay at home Air force wife!
I have 2 wonderful dogs Goldie and Meadow(she is my Fatty McMuffin).
I have an amazing husband who loves cake. I am also trying so hard to become a momma!
2WW = 2 Week Wait – time between ovulation and possible period AF = Aunt Flo – your period BCP = Birth Control Pills Beta = Blood test for HcG (pregnancy hormone) BD = Baby Dance – have sex BFN = Big Fat Negative (on HPT) BFP = Big Fat Positive (i.e. PREGNANT!) BW = (B/W) - Bloodwork CBEFM = Clear Blue Easy Fertility monitor CD = Cycle Day D&C or D&E = Dilation and Curettage or Dilation andEvacuation = procedure to surgically remove a failed pregnancy DH = Dear Husband. DPIUI = Days past IUI DPO = Days past Ovulation DPT – Days past transfer – usually written similar to 5dp3dt = 5 days past 3 day transfer ER = Egg Retrieval (part of IVF) ET = Embryo Transfer (last step of IVF) FET = Frozen Embryo Transfer FMU = First morning Urine Follies = Follicles or Eggs FRER = First Response Early Result – a brand of HPT HCG = Pregnancy Hormone – also given as an injection to trigger ovulation HPT = Home Pregnancy Test HSG = x-ray of Uterus and Fallopian tubes done by inserting dye through the cervix. ICSI = intracytoplasmic sperm injection – sometimes used with IVF IF = Infertility Injectibles = see "Stims" IUI = Intrauterine Insemination IVF = In Vitro Fertilization M/C = miscarriage MFI = Male Factor Infertility MFM = Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist (High risk OB; see also "Peri") OB = Obstetrician OHSS = Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome PCOS = Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Peri = Perinatologist (high risk OB) PGD = Pre Genetic Diagnosis – sometimes used with IVF PIO = Progesterone in Oil POAS = pee on a stick, take a pregnancy test RE = Reproductive Endocrinologist SA = Semen Analysis SAIF = Success After Infertility message board S/O = Spin Off post Stims = follicle stimulating drugs TCOYF = Taking Charge of Your Fertility – a great book to read TI = Timed Intercourse TTC = Trying to Conceive TTTC = Trouble Trying to Conceive US = Ultrasound WTF Appointment = What the “F” appointment – a follow-up appt. to a failed cycle XP = Cross post
May his service time be safe for him and quick for you so he's back home soon :)
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry Sarah. I know that is just awful! you will have to come visit when we get settled and you are ready! I haven't ever been to Busch Gardens so maybe we could meet up with you over there sometime too!
ReplyDeleteHe will be home again before you know it! Now you have a little joy to take care of and keep your mind occupied while he is away. Trust me, I know how hard it is, Army deployments are 12 months and the last one my hubby did was 15 months, and it was torture...but it actually went faster than I had expected. You just have to stay BUSY BUSY BUSY:) Call or text me anytime you need to talk!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry that he has to leave for so long. I hope he will safely return home as fast as he can.
ReplyDeleteI love you Sarah and it will go quick! And besides you'll becoming home for a month and that will make the time go quicker! Love you a million times over and I'm blessed that your my big sister!
ReplyDeleteAnd I get to be an AUNTIE!!!
Hang in there! I know it is tough. When my DH was deployed, I did something special at each month mark (to reward myself for being a good egg the past month). It might be dinner with my girlfriends or a new pair of shoes...
ReplyDeleteThanks you guys... every hour gets easier and the hours will soon turn in to mins.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the love and support. xoxo Sarah