$5,374 is what we paid to Walter Reed yesterday to be financially cleared I hope to get my baseline date some time today. I know to most of you who also are doing treatments without insurance that looks really reasonable for a cycle and then to those of you who are not doing fertility treatments that looks like so much money. To us we hope it is the amount that will help us conceive our baby.You probably just read that and now are feeling kind of bored well our life has been anything but boring lately. We have been all over this country visiting family and you know when you visit family during the holidays it is never boring, drunken card game, fights with siblings.. All the fun stuff.
Now to the emotional stuff. My Husband is deploying some time within the next 8 weeks. Just hopefully enough time to do the IVF and for him to leave. The only thing I can plan on is being an emotional roller coaster the next 7 months. He might be gone before we even get to the BFP or BFN! It makes me sad to think about him not being here with me but I am also trying not to get to emotional about it as I know the IVF will be emotional on a normal day! I have had a few people say "well why don't you just wait till he gets back". When you have almost been trying for 4 years you don't want to wait any longer. I have a wonderful support system so I feel lucky that way. I hate the big WHAT IF... What if this doesn't work and I am home all alone and still not pregnant?
We are lucky my dad is driving down from WI to take care of our dogs the 3 weeks we will be away. So I hope to have a date for my baseline appointment by the end of the day. I will be starting Lupron sometime soon too as I only have a few days left of my birth control. I have never taken Lupron before so i am not sure how these shots will feel and how I will feel on them. If anybody has any thoughts on the Lupron I will take them!
I am sorry for not blogging as much the last few weeks. I hope to catch up the next few months.