Friday, January 15, 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Well I leave today to go to MD. My friend Amanda is going with me as she has been wanting to take a trip back to her local hang out. I am not nervous about seeing the DR's for my baseline I think the butterflies of really really starting the whole IVF is now here. I am not really sure how traveling with Lupron will be with TSA. I know I will be fine with the vile but I am not sure with the syringes. Now this wouldn't be an issue if my shot time wasn't in the middle of our flying time!
I am also excited to meet some more Military Wives or couples that are going threw exactly what we are. Not that I feel like the people in my life don't understand I just am feeling extra emotional with it all especially with the deployment looming over our heads.
This weekend is going to be fun, new people to meet, new places to eat and just a great Ladies weekend! The only place I have ever gone without my husband has been home to my mom's so this is a new one.
Have a great weekend!

This is me on my laptop yesterday. This is what most of my days are spent doing!


  1. It sucks that you have to go to WR just for your baseline. I went to Madigan out here for mine but I did have to travel to NC in December for my IVF injection class and to meet with the doctor. Good luck!

  2. Safe travels to you and good luck with the appt. I sent you an email (from my work email), but I forgot to mention that it was me from 'Life Happens' so you probably thought I was some stalker. LOL...

    I hope TSA doesn't give you any troubles.

  3. Praying for you as you get closer to IVF :)

  4. Hoping you trip goes well :)

  5. Great to meet you in MD!! Good times Sat. night (even though the Ravens didn't win). I look forward to following your blog! Good luck wtih everything!

  6. Thanks it was great to meet you too! Hopefully I will see you again when I am back up next week!


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