Sunday, January 24, 2010

Almost packed and nervous to go!

So I just want to say I LOVE the q-cap! OMG how do you mix meds without it? I couldn't do it with those big needles I would be all thumbs.
Well I am sure I have over packed for the next 18 days as my SIL will have a washer and a dryer but oh well. I can't wait for my U/S on Wednesday, Monday is just blood work and some DR time for DH.
Oh my the story of the messed up SA. A TMI long very mad story of bad timing and not knowing that DH would have to give a SA when we were up there in Dec any whoo with already having a low count he didn't give a 3 day waiting SA, more like a 24 hr SA.. So WR Dr's think he has a super low count. Well we paid for our own SA here and he count came back to his normal 2.5 million not 500,000 which I know doesn't sound like a big differance but it is the differance between TESA and ICSI. Also a lot more money. So he has to see an Urologist and get one more SA done and a check by the Dr.
I wish WR allowed us to store eggs instead of making them all embryos. I know that is strange to read but with us not knowing really what my DH chromosome abnormality might mean because the Dr's can't give us a diagnoses we are just in limbo until the embryos are implanted. If they could store eggs and only fertilize half if there was something wrong we would hopefully still have eggs left to decide what to do next instead of starting from the beginning and worrying about the embryos that were frozen. That is just my rambling thoughts. At a traditional IVF center we would have that choice but I don't believe we do at WR.
Oh random thought my Gonal-F didn't hurt this morning but Lupron Killed last night. I have gotten to the point my belly is super sensitive and I can't shoot there at all anymore. Thank you think thighs for taking it for the team. Well it is off to finish the packing we are sad to miss the Jets vs Colts! But I am hoping the Vikings can beat the Saints!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that WR won't let you freeze your eggs! I hope it all goes well though.

    I'm hoping for a Colts vs. Vikings super.bowl!


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