This is about my hope and desire for a baby of my own. It has been a 3 year journey and we have come to a crossroads.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Well I know this does not sound like much but I started spotting today! Yea I hope this isn't just a tease spotting and it will take 4 or 5 more days to start. Wow I can't believe how close it is now. IVF here I come!
I am an stay at home Air force wife!
I have 2 wonderful dogs Goldie and Meadow(she is my Fatty McMuffin).
I have an amazing husband who loves cake. I am also trying so hard to become a momma!
2WW = 2 Week Wait – time between ovulation and possible period AF = Aunt Flo – your period BCP = Birth Control Pills Beta = Blood test for HcG (pregnancy hormone) BD = Baby Dance – have sex BFN = Big Fat Negative (on HPT) BFP = Big Fat Positive (i.e. PREGNANT!) BW = (B/W) - Bloodwork CBEFM = Clear Blue Easy Fertility monitor CD = Cycle Day D&C or D&E = Dilation and Curettage or Dilation andEvacuation = procedure to surgically remove a failed pregnancy DH = Dear Husband. DPIUI = Days past IUI DPO = Days past Ovulation DPT – Days past transfer – usually written similar to 5dp3dt = 5 days past 3 day transfer ER = Egg Retrieval (part of IVF) ET = Embryo Transfer (last step of IVF) FET = Frozen Embryo Transfer FMU = First morning Urine Follies = Follicles or Eggs FRER = First Response Early Result – a brand of HPT HCG = Pregnancy Hormone – also given as an injection to trigger ovulation HPT = Home Pregnancy Test HSG = x-ray of Uterus and Fallopian tubes done by inserting dye through the cervix. ICSI = intracytoplasmic sperm injection – sometimes used with IVF IF = Infertility Injectibles = see "Stims" IUI = Intrauterine Insemination IVF = In Vitro Fertilization M/C = miscarriage MFI = Male Factor Infertility MFM = Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist (High risk OB; see also "Peri") OB = Obstetrician OHSS = Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome PCOS = Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Peri = Perinatologist (high risk OB) PGD = Pre Genetic Diagnosis – sometimes used with IVF PIO = Progesterone in Oil POAS = pee on a stick, take a pregnancy test RE = Reproductive Endocrinologist SA = Semen Analysis SAIF = Success After Infertility message board S/O = Spin Off post Stims = follicle stimulating drugs TCOYF = Taking Charge of Your Fertility – a great book to read TI = Timed Intercourse TTC = Trying to Conceive TTTC = Trouble Trying to Conceive US = Ultrasound WTF Appointment = What the “F” appointment – a follow-up appt. to a failed cycle XP = Cross post
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